Primal Patties Dog Food Recall – July 06 2022

Primal Patties Dog Food Recall Important Information

Product Being Recalled: Raw Frozen Primal Patties for Dogs Beef Formula

Lot Number: W10068709

Similar Replacement Product

Dog Food Recall Additional Information 

Date of Dog Food Recall: July 06, 2022

Company Recalling Dog Food: Primal Pet Foods Inc.

Reason for Dog Food Recall: Potential Listeria monocytogenes

FDA Link to Dog Food Recall Announcement:

Announcement Synopsis

A voluntary recall has been announced by Primal Pet Foods for their 6-pound bags of Raw Frozen Primal Patties for Dogs Beef Formula with a best-by date of 05/22/23. The recall was triggered due to a positive test result in one sample for Listeria Monocytogenes. This recall is for a single lot of 396 units and has no effect on any other lots. 

Potential Symptoms of Listeria Monocytogenes in Dogs

No incidents of illness have been reported at this time however if your dog begins to suffer from any of the following symptoms, seek help from your veterinarian immediately. 

Common symptoms of Listeria Monocytogenes may include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and/or abdominal pain.

Listeria Monocytogenes are transmissible between humans and animals. Consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog is ill and consult your doctor if any humans in your home become ill after handling the product. 

How to Identify the Recalled Dog Food Product

You can determine if your lot is part of the dog food recall by checking the best by date as well as the lot number found near the bottom on the back side of the bag. If your lot number is W10068709 stop feeding your dog this product and immediately dispose of it. 

Handling of Recalled Dog Food Products

It’s recommended that any recalled dog food products be handled in a safe and cautious manner. The following are some general guidelines you can follow. 

  • Always wash hands with warm soap and water for a minimum of 30 seconds after touching, cutting, or preparing any sort of raw meats (including beef, poultry, and lamb products as well as wild game)
  • Always wash work and preparation areas thoroughly with warm soap and water after preparation is complete
  • Properly dispose of any cloths used to wash areas contaminated by raw meats
  • Keep all raw meats (including beef, poultry, and lamb products as well as wild game) away from children 
  • Keep raw meats (including beef, poultry, and lamb products as well as wild game) separated from other foods and beverages
Primal Patties July 2022 Recall
Primal Patties July 2022 Recall Best Before Date

Recalling Companies Contact Info

Primal Pet Foods: 1-800-742-1312

Online Contact: online request

Monday–Friday, 6:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. PST